Why do some lawyers know Latin phrases?

Although Latin is a “dead language” today, it has influenced mathematics, anatomy, botany, zoology, astronomy, geology, pharmacy, politics and the law. Key South African concepts like democracy, citizenship, political debate, freedom and rights were first developed in Latin by the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome. Latin is the parent language for many other languages.

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Change from “Subscribers” to “Members” notice

The pandemic changed our world and the way we operate our legal practices. Pre-lockdown, some prejudice existed towards lawyers working from home, based on an assumption that home office environments could be less equipped to offer high level professional legal services. This has changed. Today, world leaders, many corporate professionals, most accountants, many bankers, the Queen and some Judges work from home offices.

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What is corruption?

The primary statute governing corruption in South Africa is the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004 (“PACCA”). Other relevant statutes criminalising corruption and bribery in South Africa include: the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 1998, the Protected Disclosure Act 2000, the Financial Intelligence Centre Act 2001, the Protection of Constitutional Democracy

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